Monday, October 11, 2010

Post #4

Spring Mouse and Duckling
      One element found in this painting is texture. I can clearly see fur on the mouse's chest. The color is darker than the mouse's yellow and brown body. The feeling of feathers appears on the duckling's chest.  The two animals look soft. In addition to fur and feathers, the duck's beak implies that it is made of a smooth surface. Another element in the painting is value. Starting from the mouse's back the color is brown, then becomes a yellow beige. The middle of the duck's side and head  is bright yellow while the chest and rest of the body are a darker yellow almost hazel. Also, the lines in the middle of the grass blades are a darker green then the rest of the blade.
 A principle of art in this piece is proportion. The mouse is smaller than the duckling in size. Both are smaller than the grass. The repetition of the grass blades and the two animals on both sides create balance. If you divide the artwork in half, there would be equal weight on each side

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